Rosen Denounces Celebrations of Deadly Hamas Attacks on Israeli Civilians, Calls Out Extremists for Calling to End Israel Support

WASHINGTON DC – Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) condemned vile celebrations and statements in the United States in support of Hamas’s deadly terrorist attacks on civilians in Israel, and calling out the extremists and activists like the Democratic Socialists of America who have called to end lifesaving security assistance to Israel during its time of greatest need. Senator Rosen has always stood up in support of the U.S.-Israel relationship and called out those who question Israel’s right to exist. 

“Americans from coast to coast are heartbroken after Hamas’s violent and horrific terrorist attack in Israel. We are grieving at the appalling images of families, babies, seniors, and even Holocaust survivors brutally killed or kidnapped. This senseless murder of Jews is on a scale not seen since the Holocaust. 

“It is outrageous that some extremists and activists like the Democratic Socialists of America are using this attack as an opportunity to oppose lifesaving security assistance in Israel’s darkest hour. Even worse, there are voices celebrating Hamas’s vile terrorism, from celebrations in the streets to statements attempting to justify the murder of innocent civilians. At a time of rising global antisemitism, these attempts to portray this assault as justified resistance or create false equivalencies between these terrorists and the Israeli people’s right to defend themselves are deeply offensive, dangerous, and unacceptable.

“History has shown what happens when the world abandons the Jewish people. The United States stands with Israel now and always. I will stand up to anyone, including extremists in my own party, to see that American support for Israel remains unwavering.”

Earlier this week, Senator Rosen called for additional support for Israel and specific actions the U.S. should take, including supplemental funding for Israel’s defense, replenishing its Iron Dome missile defense system, and swiftly confirming Secretary Jack Lew as Ambassador to Israel.
