Rosen Helps Introduce Legislation to Reaffirm Access to Legal Counsel During Immigration Proceedings

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) helped introduce the Access to Counsel Act to protect permanent residents’ access to legal counsel when facing immigration proceedings. This bill would ensure that U.S. citizens, green card holders, and other individuals with legal status can consult with an attorney, relative, or other interested parties to seek assistance if they are detained by Customs and Border Protection for more than an hour at ports of entry, including airports.

“As the Trump Administration continues to pursue extreme immigration policies that hurt our communities, it is clear that Congress needs to take action to protect the rights of individuals who are legally in the United States,” said Senator Rosen. “This legislation will ensure that people with legal status, including permanent residents and citizens can’t be unjustly detained without access to a lawyer or trusted contact.”

Senator Rosen has been clear in her support for securing the border and making sure the asylum process is humane and orderly. She has also been outspoken in opposing mass deportation, and strongly supporting DACA and TPS recipients and their families. She condemned the Trump Administration’s decision to revoke a previously authorized TPS extension for Venezuelans and released a statement condemning President Trump’s unconstitutional attempt to end birthright citizenship. She has raised concerns over the significant application delays impacting DACA recipients, and gave a floor speech urging her Senate colleagues to take immediate action to permanently protect Dreamers, while simultaneously continuing to work to pass comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship.
