ICYMI: Rosen in Las Vegas Sun: A Year After Roe Struck Down, Fight for Reproductive Rights Continues

WASHINGTON, DC – Over the weekend, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) penned an op-ed in the Las Vegas Sun to discuss the devastating attacks on women’s reproductive freedoms that have continued one year after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade. Senator Rosen highlighted the legislation she’s introduced to restore women’s reproductive rights and promised to keep fighting back against anti-choice efforts to enact a national abortion ban.

Las Vegas Sun: A year after Roe struck down, fight for reproductive rights continues

By Jacky Rosen

Key Points:

  • It’s been just over one year since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, and to put it simply, the impact has been devastating for women.
  • Here in Nevada, we believe that these are decisions best made between women and their doctors. And thanks to our strong pro-choice state laws, Nevada women continue to have the freedom to make their own health care choices. But we must be realistic about the threats that lie ahead for all women, including those in Nevada.
  • Anti-choice politicians have been attempting to use every legislative and judicial tool they can scheme up to try to effectively ban or restrict abortion nationwide. 
  • This all-out assault on our reproductive freedoms is beyond wrong, and I want you to know that I’m fighting back in the U.S. Senate.
  • I’ve helped introduce the Let Doctors Provide Reproductive Care Act to protect doctors and medical professionals who provide reproductive care in states like ours from facing prosecution for doing their jobs. Simply put, we can’t let a doctor in Nevada be prosecuted by Texas or Florida just because that medical professional provided reproductive care.
  • I’m also supporting legislation to protect women’s fundamental right to travel for reproductive health care, and to block anti-choice states from restricting women’s ability to travel for abortion care.
  • And I helped introduce the Women’s Health Protection Act, comprehensive legislation to undo the rigid restrictions imposed by politicians on our reproductive freedoms and restore them as part of federal law.
  • Republicans in Congress have shown a desire to push forward with their plans for a national abortion ban. But let me be clear: We won’t let them.
  • As long as I’m in the Senate and we continue to have a pro-choice majority, we won’t let a restrictive abortion ban pass. We will vote it down every time it comes up.
