Rosen Holds Listening Session with Nevada Faith Leaders in the African-American Community

LAS VEGAS, NV – Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) held a listening session with faith leaders in Nevada’s African American community to discuss national events following the wrongful death of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota, as well as how Nevadans can work together to address ongoing issues of hate and systemic racism in America.

“Our nation is in a lot of pain. On May 25th, the life of George Floyd was brutally taken at the hands of law enforcement officers who swore an oath to serve and protect our country,” dijo el Senador Rosen. Unfortunately, George Floyd’s story is not a unique one, the list of injustices is long and keeps growing, and so do the cries from a nation in distress. Over the course of the last week, I have had conversations with community organizers, law enforcement officials, and even with my own family; and it is clear – all of us must do our part if we are going to bring about the social change that Dr. King dared us to dream about. I’m glad for this opportunity to listen and hear directly from members of Nevada’s Black community on how I can be a better ally and how I can use my office to take action that will lead to long-term change — change for the better, for all.”

BACKGROUND: On Monday, Senator Rosen will be co-sponsoring the Police Training and Independent Review Act, legislation which incentivizes states to enact laws requiring independent investigations and prosecution of the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers.

This week, Senator Rosen joined colleagues in calling on the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to conduct an investigation into the patterns and practices of racially discriminatory and violent policing in the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD).

This week, Senator Rosen also joined a resolution supporting Americans’ constitutional right to peacefully protest and condemning President Trump’s use of tear gas against peaceful protesters outside a church in Washington, DC.
