In Floor Speech, Rosen Urges Greater Support for Workers, Small Businesses, and Funding for State and Local Governments in Senate COVID-19 Relief Package, and Calls on Congress to Stay in Washington and Work Through Weekend Until a Bipartisan Deal is Reac

Watch Senator Rosen’s full remarks aquí.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV), a member of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, took to the Senate floor to speak out in opposition to Senator McConnell’s proposed Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools (HEALS) Act. In her speech, Senator Rosen  called on her colleagues to urgently work towards a bipartisan COVID relief package that delivers real relief to hard working Americans and small businesses, as well as provides funding to state and local governments. Senator Rosen also urged fellow lawmakers to stay in Washington and work through the weekend until a bipartisan deal is reached.

“COVID-19 is a major challenge, make no mistake, but we as a Congress can bring real and meaningful results to the American people,” dijo el Senador Rosen. “I ask my colleagues to rise to the challenge we face and provide an actual lifeline to the people of Nevada, and to the American people.”

“Let’s help people keep their homes, let’s help families feed their children, let’s help small businesses keep their doors open.” Senator Rosen continued. “We must come together and develop timely, targeted, and thoughtful legislation to protect both the lives and livelihoods of the American people during this crisis.

“Across the country right now, scientists and health care professionals are working around the clock, maximizing resources, and developing innovative ways to protect the health of our nation and save lives. As they work day in and day out, Congress needs to do the same. The House passed the HEROES Act over two months ago. It is long past time for the Senate to get to work. … And so, I ask the Majority Leader, who controls the schedule, don’t we owe it to our constituents and all Americans to work through the weekend until we have an agreement? The essential workers on the frontlines of this battle are not taking the weekend off to rest, and neither should we,” Senator Rosen concluded.
