Rosen: Postmaster General DeJoy Has Not Provided Requested Materials on USPS Changes Following HSGAC Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) released the following statement after United States Postal Service (USPS) Postmaster General Louis DeJoy did not provide her office with requested materials related to recent changes at the United States Postal Service that have critically impacted mail delivery. Senator Rosen explicitly requested that Postmaster DeJoy provide these materials by Sunday evening during a hearing last week in the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC).
“Mr. DeJoy’s failure to provide needed materials on the harmful changes he has enacted at USPS is alarming and highlights his aversion to transparency,” dijo el Senador Rosen. “During last week’s Senate hearing, I requested that Postmaster DeJoy immediately provide information by Sunday evening on the analysis used to enact changes that have negatively impacted mail delivery for seniors, veterans, rural communities, and countless other Americans. I am extremely disappointed that this deadline has passed, and Mr. DeJoy has yet to provide any documentation or requested analysis. Mr. DeJoy should provide these materials – including those related to what he knew about the potential impact of his changes on seniors, veterans, and rural communities –  immediately. My constituents in Nevada and all Americans deserve no less.”
BACKGROUND: Last week, Senator Rosen questioned Postmaster General DeJoy on policies that have negatively impacted Americans and their mail delivery. Video of Rosen’s full hearing exchange with Postmaster DeJoy can be found aquí.
Last week, Senator Rosen also held a meeting with Nevada postal workers. During the meeting, Rosen heard about the challenges Postal Workers are facing amid COVID-19 and as a result of new policies enacted by Postmaster General DeJoy.
Senator Rosen is the only member of the Nevada delegation serving on a committee that oversees the U.S. Postal Service.
