In Floor Speech, Rosen Commemorates Third Anniversary of 1 October, Honors Lives Lost From Worst Mass Shooting in American History

Watch/Download Senator Rosen’s full remarks aquí.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) spoke on the Senate floor to commemorate the third anniversary of 1 October, and honor the lives lost as a result of the worst mass shooting in American history.

“Three years ago, on this very date, in my hometown of Las Vegas, a gunman opened fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel onto the unsuspecting crowd below,” dijo el Senador Rosen. “This horrific attack lasted just over ten minutes, but in that brief window of time, fifty-eight innocent lives were taken, and over four hundred were injured. It was the worst mass shooting in American history.”

“In the three years since the shooting, two more victims have passed away due to injuries they sustained that night. One in 2019, and one earlier this year, bringing the number of lives lost up to sixty. Sixty families that will forever have an empty chair at their thanksgiving tables,” Senator Rosen continued. “Amid the violence and the terror, there were also heroes who made the choice to run toward danger, and help others. Nevada remembers 1 October because it showed us the darkest side of humanity. But in the aftermath, it also showed us the brightest and best of who we are.”

“I stand here today to honor the men and women who lost their lives on 1 October, those who were injured in the attack, and the heroes who helped bring our city back,” Senator Rosen concluded. “I also call on Congress to show the same kind of strength that the people of Las Vegas have shown. Our nation currently faces many challenges, however my colleagues must recognize the threat that gun violence poses to our communities. The bipartisan Background Checks Act, a bill passed by the House 582 days ago, has been waiting for a vote in the Senate. I urge the Senate to bring this bill to a vote.”
