In Floor Speech, Rosen Opposes Confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, Calls on Congress to Protect the Affordable Care Act

Watch/Download Senator Rosen’s full remarks aquí.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen spoke against the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. In her remarks, Senator Rosen highlighted the importance of protecting the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and coverage for Nevadans with pre-existing conditions, as well as stories of Nevadans who would be gravely impacted by the dismantling of the ACA. This confirmation comes right before a November Supreme Court case that will determine the Affordable Care Act’s future.

“I rise today because the health care of millions of Nevadans, and of Americans, is in danger,” dijo el Senador Rosen. “Their health care is endangered because, in just a few weeks, the Supreme Court will consider a case that could overturn the Affordable Care Act completely. This means that the next Supreme Court justice will decide whether individuals with pre-existing conditions could once again be denied health care coverage. Now, with an election just a week away, Senate Republicans are scrambling to confirm a new Supreme Court justice in order to tip the balance of the court in favor of their lawsuit aiming to destroy the Affordable Care Act. This Administration’s attempt to use the Court to take away Americans’ health insurance and raise the cost of care, especially at this moment – during a global pandemic – is not only cruel, and reckless, it’s also deadly.”

 “I have met many Nevada families and I’ve heard stories from men, women, and children whose lives would be devastated without the Affordable Care Act,” Senator Rosen continued. “Cancer survivors, people with diabetes, asthma, cystic fibrosis, and countless other pre-existing conditions that affect families — These are real Nevadans whose health care would be jeopardized if the ACA is no longer the law of the land.”

“Since coming to Congress, I have made it my mission to not only preserve the Affordable Care Act, but to expand care for all Americans. I have worked to increase access, lower costs, and improve quality of care,” Senator Rosen concluded. “I will not support the nomination of a Supreme Court justice who does not support the Affordable Care Act. I will vote against Judge Barrett’s nomination.”

BACKGROUND: In March, Senator Rosen joined Senate colleagues in sending a letter to President Trump urging him to reverse his policy of refusing to defend the constitutionality of the ACA in the Texas v. United States lawsuit, and cease all other attempts to undermine our nation’s health care law.

As her first action in the Senate, Senator Rosen joined Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) in introducing a resolution that would authorize Senate Legal Counsel to intervene in Texas v. United States – a pending lawsuit in federal court, on behalf of the U.S. Senate, in order to defend the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act and its coverage protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Just last week, the Trump Administration filed a brief, in this case, calling for the courts to strike down the ACA in its entirety.

Last year, Senator Rosen also helped introduce a resolution that would provide the sense of the Senate that the Justice Department should reverse its policy of refusing to defend the constitutionality of the ACA, including the law’s coverage protections for those with pre-existing conditions, in Texas v. United States.
