Rosen, Young Resolution Demanding Immediate Release of Hostages Held By Hamas Passes Senate

WASHINGTON DC – Today, U.S. Senators Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and Todd Young (R-IN) announced that the Senate unanimously passed their bipartisan resolution condemning Hamas’s brutal terrorist attack on Israel on October 7th, demanding that it immediately release all hostages and calling on the United States to lead a global effort to free all hostages. Senator Rosen introduced this resolution following a bipartisan visit to Israel where she met with families of those taken hostage by Hamas. It is estimated that Hamas is holding more than 200 people hostage including children, women, seniors, and American citizens. 

Senators Rosen and Young were joined by Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin (D-MD), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Mitt Romney (R-UT) in introducing this resolution. In all, it was co-sponsored by over 40 Senators, a nearly even number of Democrats and Republicans.

“Since the October 7th terrorist attack, I’ve met with the families of those who were abducted by Hamas, and I promised them I’d keep fighting until their loved ones were returned safely,” dijo el Senador Rosen. “This bipartisan resolution makes it clear that the U.S. Senate stands united in strongly condemning Hamas and calling on them to immediately release all hostages. I will continue working with my Republican and Democratic colleagues to see that these innocent people are returned to their families.”

“As part of its terrorist attacks on Israel, Hamas took hundreds of innocent hostages, including children, women, seniors, and American citizens. Today, the Senate unanimously passed our resolution strongly condemning these barbaric actions and calling on Hamas to immediately and unconditionally free all hostages. The United States must continue to pressure Hamas to release all innocent civilians,” said Senator Young.

The text of the resolution can be found HERE.

Following Hamas’s terror attacks on Israel, Senator Rosen called for immediate action to support Israel. She co-sponsored a bipartisan resolution that passed the Senate standing with Israel against Hamas terrorism, demonstrating ironclad support for Israel’s security, and committing to providing Israel with the support it needs to defend itself. She also urged the Senate to approve supplemental funding for Israel’s defense. Senator Rosen also successfully led a bipartisan group of senators in urging the Department of Defense to transfer additional Iron Dome batteries and other unused military assets to Israel.
