On Senate Floor, Rosen Calls Out Trump Administration for Breaking Promise to Lower Grocery Prices, Doing Nothing to Address Egg Shortage

Watch Senator Rosen’s Full Remarks HERE.

WASHINGTON DC – Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) took to the Senate floor to call out the Trump Administration for its lack of actions to lower grocery prices and address the egg shortage Nevadans are experiencing. In her speech, Senator Rosen called on President Trump to take real actions to lower costs for Nevada families.

Below are Senator Rosen’s floor remarks as delivered: 

It’s now been more than two weeks since President Donald Trump took the oath of office, and there have been virtually no actions – virtually no actions – to lower costs at the grocery store. 

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises – over and over – that he would address rising costs.

In fact, he said, quote: “On day one, we will end inflation and make America affordable again.” On day one.

And he said, quote: “When I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on day one.” End quote.

Well, way past day one, it’s now day sixteen of his presidency, and so far, the Trump Administration has failed to meet the President’s own goal and promise to hardworking families.

Just look at what it costs to buy milk, bread, and eggs!

When Nevadans go to the grocery store, many are seeing empty shelves where the eggs are supposed to be. 

And the eggs people do find, well, they cost an arm and a leg.

So, just look at this picture here from Reno, Nevada – a grocery store there. Empty shelves. That’s where the eggs would be.

And meanwhile, the Trump Administration is doing nothing to help fix this or stop corporations from jacking up the prices.

Instead, President Trump has been cozying up to billionaire CEOs and taking actions that will hurt families and drive prices up and up.

Trump’s first actions were to push through a whirlwind of executive orders – including to roll back actions to lower prescription drug prices.

So, I want to repeat that. One of President Trump’s first actions was to stop efforts to lower your prescription drug costs.


So I urge my colleagues, Democrats and Republicans, to come together and prioritize solving kitchen table issues instead of pushing extreme wedge issues.

It’s what the American people need us to do for them.

That’s what the American people are counting on us to do for them.

We need to get busy and do that.
