Following Vote to Pass American Rescue Plan, Rosen Applauds Over $31.2 Billion for Native Communities, Single Largest Infusion of Dedicated Funding to Indian Country in U.S History

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) released the following statement applauding relief for Native and Tribal communities included in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. This legislative package includes over $31.2 billion in dedicated funding for Tribal governments and Native communities – the single largest infusion of dedicated resources into Indian Country in U.S. history.

“The American Rescue Plan will provide much-needed support to communities across Nevada, including to Native communities that have been disproportionally affected by the pandemic,” dijo el Senador Rosen. “This legislative package provides long-overdue dedicated funding to Indian Country – the largest in our nation’s history – to ensure Native communities have the resources to address their health care and infrastructure needs to combat COVID-19. This infusion of aid will fund much-needed health and safety programs such telehealth services to increase access to health care, housing grants to provide more affordable housing, and child welfare programs to help families and children in need. I will continue to work in the Senate to raise the voices of Tribal communities and ensure they have the support they need to not only recover from COVID-19, but to thrive for generations to come.”

BACKGROUND: Nevada is home to 27 Native American tribes and communities.

los American Rescue Plan of 2021 includes the following dedicated funding for Tribal governments and Native communities:

  • $20 billion for Tribal governments to combat COVID-19 and stabilize Tribal
  • community safety-net programs;
  • $6 billion for the Indian Health Service;
  • $900 million for Bureau of Indian Affairs programs;
  • Over $1.1 billion for Native education programs, including the Bureau of Indian Education schools, Tribal education agencies, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Native Hawaiian education programs, and Alaska Native education programs;
  • $1.248 billion for HUD Tribal & Native Hawaiian housing programs;
  • $20 million to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on Native languages.
